klotz: llm* + github* + machine learning*

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  1. A light-weight codebase that enables memory-efficient and performant finetuning of Mistral's models. It is based on LoRA, a training paradigm where most weights are frozen and only 1-2% additional weights in the form of low-rank matrix perturbations are trained.
  2. This GitHub repository contains a course on Large Language Models (LLMs) with roadmaps and Colab notebooks. The course is divided into three parts: LLM Fundamentals, The LLM Scientist, and The LLM Engineer. Each part covers various topics, including mathematics, Python, neural networks, instruction datasets, pre-training, supervised fine-tuning, reinforcement learning from human feedback, evaluation, quantization, new trends, running LLMs, building a vector storage, retrieval augmented generation, advanced RAG, inference optimization, and deployment.
    2024-04-08 Tags: , , by klotz

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